Steeped in history and culture, downtown Bennettsville is the heart of the community! We welcome you to our historic business district to take in the beauty of our architecture and enjoy a variety of restaurants and shops.
As the economic engine for downtown Bennettsville’s success, the Main Street Bennettsville program aims to beautify our streets, promote our local businesses, and improve the quality of life through cultural and community events. Established as a city department in 2018, Main Street Bennettsville implements the Main Street Four-Point Approach to create an economic and culturally vibrant downtown that both locals and visitors will enjoy. The mission of Main Street Bennettsville is to promote, improve, and preserve the unique character and economic vitality of downtown Bennettsville.

Check out the Main Street Bennettsville 2024 - 2026 Implementation Plan!

2024-2026 Implementation Plan

Main Street South Carolina is a technical assistance program that empowers communities as they revitalize their historic downtowns, encouraging economic development and historic preservation. Since 1983, Main Street South Carolina has helped communities build up the business and image of their downtown commercial districts.
Main Street South Carolina is a Main Street America™ Coordinating Program, consisting of more than 40 Coordinating Programs and 1,200 neighborhoods and communities across the country. In South Carolina, cities like Hartsville, Florence, Cheraw, and Dillon are thriving with the help of Main Street South Carolina.
Main Street is important to our local community because:
- It creates jobs – A revitalized downtown attracts new industry and strengthens service and retail job markets.
- It saves tax dollars – Revitalization stabilizes and improves a downtown's tax base while also protecting existing investments.
- It preserves a community's historic resources – In an economically healthy downtown, property owners maintain their historic buildings and preserve an essential part of their community's heritage and identity.
- It builds community pride – Main Street provides a public space for community members to come together, create new partnerships and celebrate their downtown.