Any business located within the City of Bennettsville or performing work within the city limits is required to obtain a business license each year. Business licenses may be obtained at City Hall, 501 E. Main Street, on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Licenses are valid from May 1 through April 30. Renewals must occur by April 30 of the following year to avoid a penalty. A 5% per month penalty is assessed for any license not renewed by April 30.
The Business License Inspector reviews all applications and must approve them before issuance. Physical businesses located in the City limits must meet all criteria for building, zoning, fire and safety codes as inspected by the Building Official and Fire Marshal. Contractors operating within the City limits are required to provide a copy of their SC State Contractors or Home Builders license prior to applying for a business license.
License Rates
Rates are tiered based on the type of business. There is a base rate on the first $2,000 of gross income, then an amount for each $1,000 in excess of $2,000. Declining rate applies in all classes for gross income in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00). Please contact the Business License Inspector with any questions.
Michelle Hodges
Business License Inspector
(843) 479-9001 ext. 317
501 E. Main St.
P.O. Box 1036
Bennettsville, SC 29512
Hospitality Tax
All food and/or beverage service establishments located in the City of Bennettsville are responsible for collecting a 2% fee on the sale of prepared meals and beverages sold.
Establishments collecting the Hospitality Fees must remit the fees to the City of Bennettsville on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis depending upon the amount of fees collected monthly. Penalties are assessed by the City for late remittance. Fees collected will be accounted for in a special fund by the City to be used for the purpose of funding tourism within the city limits of Bennettsville for visitors and tourist, while enriching the quality of life for residents.