Main Street Bennettsville works in a collaborative fashion to make Bennettsville a great place to live, work, and play.
The Organization Committee creates a strong foundation for a sustainable revitalization effort through the cultivation of strong partnerships, community involvement, and resources. This is perfect for people who love connecting individuals and companies to downtown projects.

Advisory Board
Maria Franqui - Chairman
Chelsea Carabo
Kendricks Douglas
Gina Owens
Lenny Owens
Tony Scott
Jennie Weatherly
Volunteer Crew
Would you like to help further Main Street Bennettsville’s vision of a vibrant and engaged downtown Bennettsville? If so, consider joining the Main Street Bennettsville Volunteer Crew! Volunteers commit to being ambassadors for Main Street Bennettsville by helping at events on a regular basis and receive support and training to make their volunteer work an enriching experience. Is that you? Fill out the Main Street Bennettsville Volunteer Crew Interest Form below or email to learn more.
Merchant Meetings
Downtown businesses, property owners, and community members are invited to celebrate the successes of downtown Bennettsville at our quarterly merchant meetings. These gatherings serve as an informative networking event that allows for brief discussion on City and business updates, and upcoming opportunities for growth and promotion. Refreshments will be provided.