Agape Hospice 843-479-5979
Airport 843-479-4797
Alcohol & Drug Abuse (Trinity Behavioral Care) 843-479-5683
Animal Control (Humane Society) 843-479-3330
Animal Control (City of Bennettsville) 843-479-7550
Bennettsville Municipal Court 843-479-1582
Birth Certificates 843-623-2117
Business License (Florence) 843-661-4850 ext. 131
CDC (Community Development Corp) 843-454-2188
Child Protective Services 843-479-7186
Clemson Extension 843-479-6851
Clio (Town) Clerk's Office 843-586-9426
Coastal Gas (Clio) LP Gas & Diesel 843-586-2775
Coroner Office 843-454-9393
Council on Aging 843-479-9951
Death Certificates 843-623-2117
Deeds 843-479-5613
Detention Center 843-479-5628
DHEC (Local) 843-479-6801
Disaster Preparedness 843-479-5642
Disabilities & Special Needs 843-479-1882
Delinquent Tax Collector 843- 479-5602 ext. 11
Department of Social Services (DSS) 843-479-7181
Drivers License Office 843-479-0785
Drug Court 843-479-5567
EOC (Equal Opportunity Council) 843-479-2818
Federal Express 843-463-3339
Fire Departments (Business Only)
Bennettsville 843-479-9001
Clio Rural Fire 843-586-8323
McColl 843-523-6020
Wallace 843-454-1341
Guardian Ad Litem 843-454-0140
Health Department 843-479-6801
Highway Department (Roads) 843-479-4161
Housing Authority 843-479-3857
Job Service 843-479-4081
Juvenile Justice 843-479-2961
Landfill 843-479-7064
Legal Aide 843-332-1162
Library 843-479-5630
McColl Town Clerk's Office 843-523-5341
Magistrate Office 843-479-5620
Marlboro Electric Cooperative 843-479-3855
Marriage License 843-479-5610
Mobile Home Permits 843-479-5602 ext. 10
Museum 843-479-5624
Northeastern Tech -Bennettsville 843-479-4284
Pee Dee Coalition 843-669-4694
Permission to Burn -Forestry Comm 800-705-8615
Pilot Club 843-439-1770
Police Departments - Emergencies 911
Bennettsville 843-479-3620
Clio 843-586-2211
McColl 843-523-5223
Post Offices
Bennettsville 843-479-2351
Blenheim 843-528-3861
Clio 843-586-9356
McColl 843-523-5165
Tatum 843-523-5891
Wallace 843-537-2761
Probation Office 843-479-3041
Progress Energy 843-452-2777
Red Cross 843-662-8121
Road Maintenance-Dirt Roads Only 843-479-5600 ext. 21
Senior Catering 843-454-0555
Shriners Club 843-479-8904
Social Security Administration 800-772-1213
Solicitor's Office (local) 843-479-6516
Tax Assessor 843-479-5602
Trash Pick-up (County) Waste Connections 704-708-5872
Tri-County Mental Health 843-454-0442
UPS (United Parcel Service) 843-742-5877
Veterans Affairs 843-479-5622
Victim's Advocacy 843-479-5671
Visitor's Center Bennettsville 843-479-3941
Vital Records 843-479-6801
Voter's Registration 843-479-5612